- Calle 1B 14 Urb. Santa Cruz, Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00961
Productos o Servicios
Servicios médicos
Servicios de enfermería
Equipo médico (silla de ruedas, cama de posiciones, etc.)
Suplido médico (gasas, guantes, etc.)
Medicamentos para alivio de dolor y manejo de síntomas relacionados al diagnóstico por el cual recibe el servicio del hospicio.
Servicio de trabajo médico social
Servicio de Asesoría espiritual
Terapia ocupacional y física
Patología del habla
Servicio de diestista
Servicio de asistente de salud o ama de llaves, si son necesarios
Terapia de consuelo
HealthKeepers Hospice, Inc. is a corporation duly registered and administered by a Board of Directors. In its operational aspect is directed by an Executive Director who together with the Medical Director and the Interdisciplinary Team determine the plan of care to the patient. The group frequently evaluates the changes in the patient's condition and recommends the necessary changes in care. We are an agency that offers home health care to patients with a condition that has no cure. Qualifying will receive quality care near your family Hospice staff will work with the patient and family to provide you with a quality care plan that meets your needs. This plan of care includes all hospice services you need within the Medicare coverage. Hospice team members will visit the patient regularly. These professionals will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to care for and support the patient and their primary caregiver.